2021 First Day Hike


Last year we joined a group at Clinton State Park in Lawrence, Kansas for a first day hike. I didn't know it was a thing, but we really enjoyed it. There was a gigantic group that got together. They had some breakfast snacks, coffee and water for us. We even got these really nice long sleeved t-shirts. I'm sure with Covid-19 this year things looked different. We liked the idea of it so much we decided to go on our own. Kids were still with their dad, so it was just me & Jason.


Jason had been wanting to check out the boardwalks, so after running an errand we went over!  We walked 1.78 miles and it was gorgeous. We crossed the beach highway and walked back along the sand. We set intentions for the year and talked through what homeschooling is going to look like while we travel. It's going to be a great day!


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