Two Stop Tuesday


It's amazing how much efficient and productive schoolwork happens when you start the morning by saying "if you finish your schoolwork by lunchtime and it's done right, we can go exploring and hit up the beach".


We made it a two-stop day because Jason had a job interview call to do while we were out, so we stopped at St Pete's Beach to waste some time while he did his call.

Digital Camera
Digital Camera
Digital Camera

I will forever be in awe of a large body of water and seeing the Gulf of Mexico in all its glory did not disappoint.

Digital Camera

The birds on the beach are something else!! I made a little too much noise to try and get this shot, but the leader was looking out and the others had their beaks tucked into there feathers.

This was the first time I got to use our new beach mat and bag I got!  The bag comes with an attachable cooler, we didn't need it, so it left it at home.


These guys spent there time burying each others feet in the sand and collecting shells.

Digital Camera

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