Tower Garden

Tower Garden - set up


I'm so excited! I have been wanting a Tower Garden for years. Ever since I'd first heard about them actually. There are so many features that I love about this, but mostly I can't wait to eat homegrown everything off of it.

With our traveling style changing, I thought this would be great timing to get this now. I know people who are constantly moving that do this, so I can totally handle packing it up two to three times a year. Plus, with where we're going, we should be able to have year-round yield!

We opted to buy plants that were already started and transfer them into the Rockwool and then into the tower because we were ready to go. We'll be starting seedlings soon, so we can have the full experience. It's a process to get them ready for transfer and it's something the kids spear-headed completely.

transfer plants

Since the Tower Garden doesn't use any soil, the plant roots needed to be cleaned completely.


Making sure the pH in the water is where it's supposed to be is critical. It took Kameryn quite a bit of time adding in nutrients and checking the pH to get it correct. She really enjoys doing this type of thing though and learned a lot.


Be sure to follow along on this blog and social media to see how all of this turns out!

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