
Hi, I’m Will and I am 15 years old and I live the RV Lifestyle, I am also a Freshman in Highschool. This rig is awesome. It has so much room and I get my own loft with a full-sized bed. I have my own monitor up in my loft with my very own PS4 that I got for Hanukkah, also in my setup, I have pretty big speakers. 

Some of my favorite things to do are hangout with friends that I have met on the road and hang out outside. I also don't mind getting a little dirt on my shoes either. Another thing I like to do is dye my hair, I have done it in many different colors. 

Doing school is way better than public school because we go on field trips and do a whole bunch of other stuff. When we get started we are normally done before lunch then we can go out and do whatever. We do math, ELA, Judaics, and we have a class for our blog, Fulltime.Life. On a regular day when we don't have a field trip, school takes about three hours total to finish, but if we have a field trip then it takes longer cause we're out doing stuff.


This life has changed me in the best way possible. Some of my goals are to build a gaming PC with my dad, be able to do a salmon ladder, and make my loft set up the best I know it can be. My loft setup will include when it is done, my PC, PS4, monitor, mouse, mousepad, keyboard, headset, speakers, and stuff like that. Some of my favorite movies are the Fast and Furious series. My favorite TV show has to be Arrow, this show is so fun and inspires me. I am able to do so much when we go to different parks. 
